Wednesday, May 29, 2013

ADA Says Expand Dental Care for Nursing Home Residents

Elderly Woman Home Health Nursing Care Plans

Over one million nursing home residents face barriers to accessing adequate dental care, according to a recent policy statement by the American Dental Association, Action for Dental Health.
Presently, long term care facilities must cover the cost of dental care for residents.
The ADA recommends expanding the public health system to cover the cost of dental care for long term care facility residents. 

Resident-to-Staff Aggression is a Common Problem

Director of Nursing Book

Resident verbal and physical aggression is most common during morning care, says a recent article in the Journal of General Internal Medicine.
The article concludes that since resident-to- staff aggression has such a negative impact on job performance and staff satisfaction, much more research is needed to develop interventions to decrease resident aggression. 

Urinary Incontinence is Costly to Health and Finances

Money Stethoscope Long Term Care Costs Director of Nursing Book

Although the prevalence of urinary incontinence is 51% among women and 14% among men, it is significantly under-reported by patients and under-diagnosed by clinicians, according to a recent article by Home Healthcare Nurse. 
Financial costs for women older than 65 years of age are $7.6 billion per year. 
Urinary incontinence is also very costly to health. It is a frequent cause of falls in older adults, related to hurrying to try to get to the bathroom in time. 
Physical results of urinary incontinence often include pressure sores, urinary tract infections, institutionalization, depression, isolation, and decreased mobility. 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Abuse Prevalence in Long Term Care

Sad Woman in Wheelchair Director of Nursing Book
The statistics will shock you. During 1999-2001, nearly 1 in 3 U.S. nursing homes were cited for violations that had potential to cause harm or that had caused actual harm to a resident.  
Educating staff members on abuse prevention is more important than ever, and should always be part of yearly inservice training.  
UC Irvine’s Center of Excellence on Elder Abuse and Neglecthas some great resources for abuse education, and is the world’s first Elder Abuse Forensic Center, bringing together physicians, psychologists, law enforcement, social workers and others to handle complex cases.  
The center hosts the Elder Abuse Training Institute which identifies the most pressing training needs in elder mistreatment, and was recently named by the U.S. Administration on Aging as the National Center on Elder Abuse.  
Download their printable brochure Abuse of Residents of Long Term Care Facilities and read detailed facts and statistics about elder abuse.  
Check out this comprehensive and affordable online inservice for Preventing Resident Abuse .